
Made in India, for the World - Chapter 4

Published on Sep 8, 2024

In the previous chapter, the blog concluded with our realisation that the IoT energy monitoring platform, Soul, can be extended to industries and technical expertise can be provided for energy losses.


But what are these energy losses and why do they matter?


Upon extensive research, we found that industries today have nearly 50% of energy as rejected energy from what they consume. While there will always be energy losses in distribution within the premises, 50% is still a glaringly huge number, isn’t it? But why is this happening? Also, what are the inefficiencies we see in industries regarding energy?


Most industries today have equipment that is complex in nature and needs to be operated 24*7. With increasing demand from their customers, it is imperative that they cannot let any machines/systems go down in any manner. But the reality is far away from the ideal scenario.


Many industries have gotten into a habit of replacing the machine once it goes down. In all honesty, it isn’t completely their mistake either. They wouldn’t know why or when a machine would go down until it does and you need a technical expert which costs money. Because of this, industries today lose more than 100 hours per month due to machine downtime, directly affecting their productivity.


But any machine wouldn’t directly go to a shutdown, right? There must be some “signs” before going to a stage of shutdown or repair. What are they?


When you are operating heavy equipment, it is most likely that you have complex energy systems and controls. This leads to fluctuations or imbalances, or the “signs”, that cannot be noticed by the naked eye. If we can identify these “signs” and address them, we can avoid machine shutdowns and repairs. That is exactly what Soul does!


A hardware product backed by ML algorithms and a cloud-based IoT platform, that records the electrical data, analyses it using ML, and identifies upcoming issues/repairs. It doesn’t stop there. 


It comes up with actionable insights to eradicate these upcoming issues acting as a predictive maintenance.


You can read more about it here.


Further market research made us realise that apart from industries, even retail chains face similar problems when it comes to energy.  A company might be operating multiple stores. These multiple stores spread over various locations - multiple critical equipment - no easy way to keep track of everything at once. Tailormade situation for Soul, isn’t it?


While developing these two products SaverX and Soul, involuntarily we developed a complete solution addressing both supply and usage issues of energy. 


But, where does this technology fit in the scheme of global markets? Well for that, you’ll need to wait for the next chapter in this series.


With great pride, we define ourselves as “Made In India. For the World”. Keep following this space for the next chapter where we’ll discuss how Soul found a new market and a larger purpose for itself.

Written by Zodhya

About Zodhya

We are Zodhya, a start-up that provides AI-based tech to reduce energy bills and lower emissions for commercial buildings and industries.


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